Projects Overview
The Dinorwic Gold Property consists of 714 non-surveyed contiguous mining claims totaling 14,880 ha located on NTS maps 52F16 and 52F09 centered at -92º 23” 37’ Longitude and 49º 40” 2’ Latitude. The claims are located within the Kenora Mining Division of Ontario. Transcanada Gold has acquired 100% interest in the Property by issuing four million shares and paying $60,000 CDN to the Vendors.
The Dinorwic property lies in the Western Wabigoon Terrane, which comprises a network of greenstone belts separated by granitic and granitoid intrusions, some of which may represent remobilized basement rocks. Volcanism in these belts has been dated at ±2.7 Ga, making them NeoArchean in age. Metamorphism and deformation took place in the Kenoran orogeny, between 2.68 and 2.72 Ga, when the various greenstone belts, clastic metasedimentary “basins” and migmatite-granitoid domains all fused together to form the Laurentian proto-continent.
The property is largely underlain by mafic volcanics. An area of felsic volcanics is present in the southern part of Southworth Township (outside the Dinorwic property). A number of gabbro sills within the mafic sequence are present in Avery and MacFie Townships. Satterly (1941) mapped a mafic to ultramafic intrusion southwest of the Dinorwic property. Minor “early” felsic intrusions are present in northwestern Southworth Township (outside the Dinorwic property). The Melgund Lake Stock and the Hartman Stock are granitic intrusions, and the northeast part of the property covers the western edge of the Basket Lake granitic batholith.
Beakhouse (2002) indicated regional-scale iron-carbonate alteration in the Southworth Township area which is considered to be favourable for gold mineralization. The general pattern of regional-scale iron carbonate alteration with background (distal) calcitic carbonate containing more localized zones of silicification and veining observed in the Dinorwic area is comparable in many respects with that described for the area of the Red Lake gold camp (Parker 2000). The main differences between the 2 areas include the presence of abundant ultramafic metavolcanic rocks in the Red Lake area and the interpretation that the background calcitic carbonate alteration in the Dinorwic area significantly predates iron-carbonate alteration. These differences notwithstanding, the large area of iron-carbonate alteration within Southworth Township is proposed as a prime target for gold exploration.